You’re worth it

You’re worth it – and I don’t think we always truly believe that.

We all have that inner ​​voice that holds us back in life. Sometimes it’s louder than other times and sometimes it can stop us dead in our tracks. For some of us it’s more present and for some it’s less – but rest assured that voice will come out if we let it and it will take over and reek havoc on our goals and dreams.

We all have different things we struggle with, and I know personally, I have always struggled with my self worth.

I struggled with not feeling worthy of success.

Not feeling good enough for the relationships I wanted.

Not feeling worthy of the body I wanted.

Not feeling good enough to run the times I wanted.

Not feeling like I was worthy of helping and making the change I wanted to make in the world.

But then one day I had to stop. I had to stop and ask myself what was more important. This stupid voice in my head or the REAL voice that has these dreams and visions and wants to change the world. I realized that the “voice in my head” is just my ego trying to sabotage everything and IT’S NOT REAL. That’s right, it’s NOT real. Once I realized that, I decided to let it go every time I would hear it.


I have a quote above my desk on a poster that says, “We dream a particular dream, see a particular vision because we have the special talent, ability, to bring that dream, that vision into reality.” Then below it I have written “Angels fly because they take themselves lightly” – both of these quotes come from one of my all time favorite books “Feel the Fear and Do it Anyways” by Susan Jeffers.

We all get caught up in our self limiting beliefs, but I want to remind you – the voices that tell you “you’re not worth it” or “you don’t deserve this” or “you’re not good enough” – those voices ARE not true. The ONLY person that can make you feel inferior is YOU and you have the power to do and be absolutely anything you want. There will always be voices in the back of your head telling you that you “can’t” – but remember it’s not that the strongest, most successful people don’t have those voices – they just don’t listen. And eventually, the voices telling you that you “CAN” will be the only ones you really hear. But like everything else, it takes practice and continuous effort.


Remember, you can do anything you believe you can do – and if the dream is there, it’s your dream – so go after it! For more help or coaching, feel free to reach out to me ❤

Live Free,



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